Planning System for Moms that’s Quick and Easy
Learn my HACK for keeping our household planning organized with my simple planning system for moms. It’s a game-changer!!
The older I get, the “fuzzier” my brain gets. Or maybe it’s really the more kids I have, the fuzzier my brain gets! Is that the same thing? 😉
Either way, there’s just too much going on for me to keep track of it all.
I knew I needed a system to help me. Something easy; something that worked.
Systems are the best. They clear up mental space and get rid of decision fatigue.

How to Get (& Stay) Organized as a Mom
If you know me, you know I like (need!) to be somewhat organized.
So it’s no surprise I do a monthly calendar for our family. But, I was getting to the point where I’d sit down and think-“Shoot, we’ve got stuff on Mondays, I just can’t remember what it is!”
Or suddenly “out of nowhere” I’d get the postcard from the DMV to register our vehicles for like $300!
(PS, do you know they’re not doing that anymore? At least not in Utah.)
Sheesh. I was not prepared.
So, I created a few printables that have been game-changers.
Let me show what’s in the Busy Mom’s Planning System:

Weekly Recurring Events

Easily keep track of all those dance classes, sports stuff, meetings or church things, any activities that happen weekly or monthly.
Now I can keep everything in one spot and when I’m doing our monthly family calendar, I just pull it out and I don’t have to think about it or wonder if I’m forgetting something.

Birthday Calendar Template

Have you ever forgotten a birthday?
It’s the worst.
Now, I never forget birthdays! And when a cute little babe joins either side of the family, I just quickly jot down the date and we’re good to go.
I put birthdays in my planner at the beginning of every year and then I don’t have to worry about it again.

Yearly Overview Calendar
Going on vacation? What about anniversaries? Car maintenance, house maintenance, graduations, events…really anything that comes up through the year, keep track of it and see it all at once.

Yearly Payment Schedule
If you want to keep payments made through the year separate from the overview, I created its own sheet. Like the stinking car registration (!), property taxes, business license renewals, tuitions, etc.

As moms, we’ve got enough going on. Clearing up mental space has done so.much. for my stress level and my anxiety!
How Long Does This Planning System Take to Implement?
Doing this doesn’t take very long-it can be easily done in an hour!
Think about that: in one hour you could have all your planning done and get all.the.things. out of your brain and into a system!
It’s never too late to start.
I’ve also added my Weekly Block Planner Sheet into the system!
Weekly Planner Printable

I love to see everything I have going on for the week all laid out. It’s kind of like “the big picture” for me.
My planner template for moms is different in a few ways:
It has a spot for a brain dump–best thing ever! Get all the things floating around in my brain that needs to be done, down on paper!
Each day is divided up into blocks–use them how works best for you. Maybe a morning, afternoon, evening? Or the first half of the day, the second half of the day, and a work section? Anything goes.
Here I’ll write down things that need to get done during those assigned times. Kind of like distributing out my to-do list.
Meal Planning Template
I also have a menu block on here. It makes a WORLD of difference when I know at the beginning of the day what we’re doing for dinner, so I get things prepped!
I also like having my menu with my planner so I can see if we have a busy evening and I need to plan dinner accordingly.

Household Planning Organization
This Busy Mom’s Planning System has been a life-saver for me! I love having a system that helps me with weekly, monthly and yearly planning for my family.
Being organized in this way has definitely helped my stress level decrease!
I hope you’ll try it out and clear up your valuable mental space!

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