Find out how to plan your year in less than a day!
I cannot tell you how many times last year I would suddenly realize, “Oh crap! It’s so-and-so’s birthday today!!”
I was totally unprepared and unplanned. Facebook is great for reminding about birthdays, but honestly, I’m not on Facebook everyday, and I missed many notifications!
Birthdays are just one thing that I wasn’t prepared for: things like dentist appointments, registering for sports stuff and even planning date nights! They all snuck up on me and made life crazier than it should have been.
So, this year we’re doing things differently! Find out how to plan your year in less than a day!
Plan Your Year In Advance
Just saying the words feels overwhelming. Like I’d rather jam a pen in my eye, overwhelming.
But stay with me friends!
It’s really not difficult!
And it takes literally an hour or two AT THE MOST! Totally doable 🙂
How Do You Plan For The Year
The first time I heard of this concept was from Jordan Page at She has great ideas and we’ve adjusted them to fit what works for us.
So here’s what we do:
I always prefer the simple approach to things 😉
My husband and I sit down with our calendars and our Plan Your Year Checklist. (I’ll get to that in a sec)
Then, we go through each item and make sure we’re on the same page, schedule what needs to be scheduled and set reminders for what needs to be done.
Seriously. That’s all we do! And it makes a HUGE difference when we do it!
Plan Your Year Free Printable
I created a little (cute!) checklist to help keep us on track and I have it here for you to use as well!
I also added some space for you to add anything else that you might need to plan for.
Every family is different, so tailer this for your own needs!
You can snag your freebie at our Happy Home Vault!
Don’t forget to use the password! If you’ve forgotten it, I include it in my weekly emails!
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You can sign up right here!Organize Your Year with Yearly Planning
I know some people really like to organize and plan, and others like to just go with the flow.
I feel like I’m somewhere in between.
But, when we do an overview for our yearly planning, I feel like I can be organized but yet still go with the flow without the stress of unexpected things coming up.
We can also take better advantage of time off—planning fun and affordable family activities, we are better prepared for gifts and anniversaries.
Our home stays updated with maintenance and deep cleaning.
My husband and I actually schedule dates—it sounds boring, but then we actually do them!!
There are endless benefits!
How To Plan Your Life
I hope you give this a try and plan your year in advance! Make it work for you and enjoy the benefits!!
Happy home-creating!