Free Printable Gift List
Stay organized and on top of all the gifts you need to give throughout the year with my FREE Gift List Printable!
Do you ever feel like you have so many thoughts and lists and ideas running through your mind? And you just feel overwhelmed, weighed down, and confused? Is that just me?? 😉
I have been trying to create systems that will help to relieve the overwhelm that I feel in my mind, so I can decrease my stress level and focus on things that truly matter.
Gift Giving List
One thing that runs through my mind frequently is:
who do I need to buy gifts for…
what birthdays or holidays are coming up??
What should I get them?
What did I do last year?
What is something creative and meaningful that they would like?
Stress, stress, stress….
In fact, just last month I was explaining this to Sam (he seemed totally bewildered that this was even an issue for me….men!!)
I told him I just need to have things planned out for the year, written down, and taken care of. That way I could just move on from it!
Not let it take up space in my brain 😉
I even shared some ideas I had for gifts, and guess what…I can’t remember them now!
Of course.
Gift Planner Template
So, in case you are like me, I am sharing my Year Gift List printable that I created.

It’s broken up into quarters, and I’ve listed the general gift-giving holidays that fall into that time frame. And then I added a reminder of any anniversaries and birthdays too.

Here’s a little hot tip….June is packed for us. We have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, as well as both of our mom’s birthdays.
…..what in the world!
I finally decided that each year we’ll get a nice hanging pot of flowers for our mom’s on Mother’s Day.
And on Father’s day, we’ll get our dads some steaks that we can cook up together.

Done and done. Beautiful, thoughtful gifts that we can give each year.
But shhhhhhh, don’t tell them!!
That’s a system that will help to relieve some of this decision fatigue.
(Now to think of birthday gifts….)

I have it printed out and in my command center.
If this is something that could help you too, you can grab it for FREE in the Happy Home Vault!
Don’t forget to use the password to get into the Happy Home Vault! (If you’ve forgotten it, I include it in my weekly emails!) If you’re not on our email list, no worries!
You can sign up right here!Free Printable Gift List