I’m a sucker for a new beginning, and New Years is about as big as it gets!
I’ve been thinking a lot about the state of our world lately (haven’t we all? 😉
And this quote from Mother Teresa keeps coming back to me.

Our homes and families are where we can have the biggest impact!
I know that’s true!
So as I start this new year, I’m refocusing on how I can strengthen and bless my family…and I invite you to do the same!
Cute Wallpaper for your Phone
You can snag your freebie at our Happy Home Vault!
Don’t forget to use the password! If you’ve forgotten it, I include it in my weekly emails!
Not on our email list?
No problem!
You can sign up right here!HOW TO ADD WALLPAPER TO YOUR PHONE
First, download the image to your phone.
Then, save the picture to your photos, go to settings and wallpaper. Then you can save it as your background and/or your lock screen!
Totally easy!